Make My MMO: Zenith’s spinoff game, EVE Online’s board game Kickstarter


Welcome to another blast of MMO crowdfunding news from the last few weeks!

It’s been pretty hoppin’ for Kickstarted MMOs lately, as Elite Dangerous is back from its deathbed, Ashes of Creation dropped a PvP preview video, Dual Universe is actually shipping Kickstarter physical rewards, Embers Adrift has big noob-onboarding plans for 2024, Fractured Veil finally made it to early access, and Zenith thinks it’s a great idea to spin off a second game. That always goes well, right?

Plus we got a new Kickstarter to keep an eye on: EVE Online’s board game Kickstarter, which has already funded at about nine times its ask – now they’re just haggling over the final price.

Read on for more on what’s been up with MMO crowdfunding over the last few weeks, plus our roundup of all the crowdfunded MMOs we’re following!

Ashes of Creation

Recent MMO crowdfunding news

EVE Online board game

Campaigns and crowdfunded MMOs we’re watching

Holy crap it launched Holy crap it launched
It's launched, kinda It semi-launched?
In the development dungeons In development
It's dead, Jim Dead or abandoned
Drama bomb

Elite Dangerous

Yes, some crowdfunded MMOs most definitely do succeed. But others crash and burn, and you need to hear about the whole spectrum of games that sought your money early in exchange for the promise of input and transparency. And that’s exactly what Make My MMO does several times a month. Help us keep ’em accountable, would ya?
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