Home MMORPG Revelation Online soft launch roundup

    Revelation Online soft launch roundup

    Revelation Online will sunset on March 13, 2024 - The year 2023 has a few more things to take from the MMO industry, apparently: Revelation Online is heading to sunset. MY.GAMES and NetEase made the announcement this morning without explanation. "After eight years of adventures…
    Whatever happened to Revelation Online? - We're continuing to flip through our backlog of MMORPGs, and our fingers have fallen upon Revelation Online, the NetEase developed MMORPG that came to our neck of the woods back in 2017. As a refresher, the…
    MassivelyOP’s guide to MMO Halloween 2018 - Whether or not you consider yourself too old to put on that Hulk or Sparkle Twilight costume and prance ("HULK PRANCE") around the neighborhood for free candy, MMOs make it easy for us to regress into…
    Revelation Online’s New Sulan expansion goes live - The latest expansion for My.com's free-to-play title Revelation Online, titled New Sulan, is now live, bringing with it a massive revamp of the titular city of Sulan as well as changes to the game's dungeon system,…
    Revelation Online previews the renovation of New Sulan - [AL:Rev]The latest Q&A post from Revelation Online is all about the upcoming New Sulan update, which will see one of the game's major cities, Sulan, receive a massive rework, along with other changes such as the…
    Revelation Online plans to join the Steam parade - [AL:Rev]Not wanting to be left out of the party -- and the expected profits -- of joining up with Steam, Revelation Online has announced that it will be coming to the platform. When will that happen?…
    Perfect Ten: Best MMO debuts by year, 2007-2017 - Continuing from my previous column that went back to 1997, I'm going to be running through the second decade of graphical MMORPG launches and picking the best title to debut in any given year. From doing…
    Revelation Online is adding New Sulan over the summer - [AL:Rev]The latest producer's letter for Revelation Online has a secret, and that secret is New Sulan. We know from the letter that it's definitely planned to come out over the summer; that's not a question. But…
    Massively OP’s 2017 Blooper Awards: Best worst MOP headline - Massively OP's not-so-serious end-of-the-year awards continue today with our blooper award for Best worst headline. And the winner is... Camelot Unchained's big bot battle boasts benefits for beta-beseeching backers That's so terrible it looped back around into glorious.…
    The best Massively OP streams of 2017 - As captain of our Stream Team, Massively OP's MJ Guthrie and Larry Everett were joined by Andrew Ross this year to play zillions of games live, some old and some new, providing our community with an…
    Perfect Ten: 20 upcoming MMOs to watch in 2018 - It has become a long-standing tradition as Massively OP and our former site that we like to end the year by creating a list of titles that we anticipate for the coming one. It has always…
    Perfect Ten: The biggest MMO stories of 2017 - One thing you can say for the MMO industry: It never ceases to surprise all of us. No matter what predictions we may make at the beginning of a year, by December we will all be…
    Go treasure hunting in Revelation Online’s Karstwald - [AL:Rev]If you follow Revelation Online at all, one thing you will notice is that the game continues to post spotlight articles on different systems, characters, and zones on a regular basis. This is pretty helpful to…
    Halloween events across the MMORPG verse, 2017 edition - Hey, you. Yeah, you, dude leeching candy from the bucket you bought "for the neighborhood kids." And you, lady still trying to decide between "Princess Leia" and "lazy zombie" for your costume (go Leia, duh). Put…
    Cloud Pirates is sunsetting at the end of September - Aw, damnit. My.com is giving up on its Allods-themed Cloud Pirates MOBA already. The company doesn't say why, but given the successes of its other titles, we're guessing it's more about playerbase size in a bloated…
    Revelation Online’s housing moves in mysterious ways - [AL:Rev]Not all MMO player housing is built to the same blueprints, and Revelation Online's system has a few quirks that sets it apart. One of these is the fact that players' apartments will change floors and…
    Revelation Online opens the doors for player housing - [AL:Rev]Time to move into your very own house in Revelation Online -- or at least, an apartment situated in a large building that's riding on the back of an even larger tortoise! Once players hit level…
    Check out Revelation Online’s Eternal Chasm dungeon - [AL:Rev]Revelation Online has a new dev blog up today on the Eternal Chasm, one of its level 59+ multiple-mode instanced dungeons. [prspeak]"Shinji – after the events of Darkfall – is particularly interested in what resides within…
    Revelation Online takes a tour of Ersich Forest - [AL:Rev]We promise the population of Revelation Online that Ersich Forest is, in fact, a lovely and benevolent area. Sure, it seems nice on the surface, but most players have probably been hard-wired to expect that means…
    Revelation Online offers a quick tour of Sidus Ur - [AL:Rev]Most of the world of Revelation Online is not safe to explore. It's a dangerous place, and there's battle at every turn. But Sidus Ur is one of the few places that manages to keep battle…
    Revelation Online’s Iceborn update melts on your PC today - [AL:Rev]Revelation Online's Iceborn update is live in the game today as promised. The big draw is the faction war for level 40+ characters, along with what My.com has dubbed "Inner Demon Trials," which are not an existential test…
    Revelation Online invites you to visit the Immortal Annex - [AL:Rev]The Immortal Annex in Revelation Online is a place of boundless learning, a faction devoted simply to studying, researching, learning, and never actually going out to get a job. It's an undeclared college major's dream locale,…
    St Paddy’s Day MMORPG deals and events roundup - Happy St Patrick's Day, everyone! This particular holiday isn't the best for sales, for dumb jokes, or for deep events, but the MMORPG genre has a little bit of all three. We've rounded up what we…
    Revelation Online kicks off a guild propaganda poster contest - [AL:Rev]Remember last winter when Skyforge ran a propaganda poster contest? My.com has now ported the idea over to the newly-soft-launched-into-open-beta Revelation Online, asking players to craft their very own guild propaganda for the game. "We ask…
    Revelation Online shows off the many paths to wings - [AL:Rev]You don't want to walk in Revelation Online; you want to fly away. (Just like a dragonfly.) Fortunately, the game gives you wings pretty early on, so you can explore the world from the air as…
    Revelation Online starts open beta on March 6 - [AL:Rev]Are you unwilling to pay for beta access but also desperately curious about playing Revelation Online? You won't have to wait much longer. The game's open beta begins on March 6th, starting in English only with…
    Revelation Online extends CBT3 an extra week - [AL:Rev]Revelation Online is extending its third closed beta another week. While the beta phase was intended to close down early this morning, My.com says that it is listening to feedback from players who said they needed…
    Revelation Online introduces future players to Akuta - [AL:Rev]Look, over there! It's a bird! It's a plane! It's the main character an anime that you'd stop watching two episodes in! It's Akuta, one of the first storyline NPCs you'll meet in Revelation Online, and…
    Revelation Online’s third closed beta has begun - As promised, the third round of Revelation Online's closed beta begins in the west today. "The third phase of testing will last until February 2 and will allow players to explore up to level 69 and prepare…
    Revelation Online details the fine points of aptitude - [AL:Rev]You'll earn experience by doing a lot of things in Revelation Online, but don't you wish that you could earn more experience for doing the same things? That's where Aptitude comes in. Aptitude is a constantly…
    Revelation Online introduces new gear for CBT3 - [AL:Rev]Do you pride yourself on not needing any stinking badges? Turns out you're wrong; the actual line is that you don't have to show someone any stinking badges. And when it comes to Revelation Online, you…
    How Revelation Online will deliver PvP on a larger scale - Just because you're into PvP in MMOs doesn't mean that you want the same experience as all of the other PvPers. Revelation Online knows this, which is why it's providing both small-scale (battlegrounds, arenas), open-world, and…
    Revelation Online shows off its foxes - [AL:Rev]They're mysterious. They're ancient. They're elegant. They are also, presumably, hiding in the bushes to steal your chickens. They're the Foxes of Revelation Online, and they're the subject of the game's latest lore article. While they…
    Revelation Online will have its own anime movie - Revelation Online isn't even officially out yet in the west, but the fantasy MMO has already spawned an anime film of its own. The movie was announced at NetEase's own fan festival to be a motion…
    Revelation Online’s second closed beta has begun - [AL:Rev]The holiday season approaches, dear readers. Some of you are already off of work or school. There is no release, no salvation, no way to save yourself from this inexorable grip. But lo! A revelation approaches!…
    Perfect Ten: All the MMORPGs coming in 2017 - Right now we are in a strange place in MMORPG history. Following the backlash of WoW clones and several high-profile titles that underperformed, major studios are becoming extremely risk-averse to creating big-budget titles the way that…
    Revelation Online shows off the Spiritshaper class - [AL:Rev]So you want to heal your friends, huh? It's a good job, you know. Challenging work, outdoor and indoor opportunities, everyone wants to be your friend, and in Revelation Online you get to summon spirit beasts…
    Revelation Online’s Swordmage is beautifully badass - [AL:Rev]Swordmages are the subject of Revelation Online's newest class reveal video, out this morning for fans to drool over. Critically, the class maintains an "elegant temperament and a beautiful look that can topple a countless number…
    Revelation Online details the mechanics of guilds - [AL:Rev]Having a guild is important in Revelation Online. Then again, having a guild is important in a lot of games, so Revelation Online has to do some extra work to make guilds into big, distinct entities.…
    Revelation Online introduces the northern wolves - [AL:Rev]Oh no! The Northern Wolves are coming in Revelation Online! Are you scared? Do you know who the Northern Wolves are? If not, you should probably read up on the latest batch of revelations from the…
    The Stream Team: A glimpse of Revelation Online - [AL:Rev]Are you curious what Revelation Online is all about? Would you like to catch a glimpse of it? Or better yet, would you like a chance to get in the closed beta yourself and see it…
    Revelation Online previews two more closed beta dungeons - [AL:Rev]Are you ready to take on the dungeons of Revelation Online's closed beta being previewed today? Probably not! The beta isn't starting until November 3rd, and you'll need to level before you're ready, so you don't…
    Revelation Online delays closed beta into November - [AL:Rev]My.com announced today that it is delaying the closed beta test for Revelation Online another week, from October 25th to November 3rd. "QA has encountered some client stability issues with certain situations," the team wrote today. "While…
    Revelation Online shows off the Occultist - [AL:Rev]The Occultist in Revelation Online is a complicated sort. Sure, a given Occultist is capable of delivering devastating ranged attacks, because what's life without devastating ranged attacks? It's boring. But said Occultist also has a softer…
    Revelation Online wants you to know that it has PvE - [AL:Rev]Not every MMO has to come right out and reassure its audience that, yes, it will have PvE content. That's usually a given unless the title is taking the path less traveled. So perhaps you weren't…
    Revelation Online’s Ever, Jane sensibilities - [AL:Rev]MMORPG import Revelation Online is taking appearances seriously. "Revelation Online offers a complete character creation system," explains My.com in a fresh dev blog out today. "Players can select their appearance, body type, costume, accessories, headgear, and…
    Revelation Online introduces the Vanguard - [AL:Rev]If your preferred method of transportation is the noble van rather than the selfish SUV or the sneaky car, Revelation Online's new Vanguard will keep it safe. Its class abilities are... wait, we're reading this wrong.…
    In Revelation Online, players level when they choose to - [AL:Rev]Can a character be defined by more than just its level and gear? Revelation Online plans for exactly that, and wants to give the player power over character development. The latest dev blog delves into this…
    Revelation Online introduces the Ursids - [AL:Rev]The Ursids in Revelation Online are ursines of the times. They're well-known in the game world for being honest, adaptive, fond of honey, and generally willing to bear a great deal. A new entry on the…
    Revelation Online will boast giant turtle housing - [AL:Rev]Housing is definitely becoming more accepted across the MMORPG genre, so while it may not be a surprise that the upcoming Revelation Online will allow players to deck out their own pad, it may quirk an…
    Revelation Online shows off the Blademaster’s moves - [AL:Rev]Last month's Revelation Online fly-through video slapped us across the face with how beautiful this upcoming game is, but is that beauty only skin-deep or is there some substantial content to back it up? As we…
    Revelation Online’s fly-through video is breathtaking - [AL:Rev]Revelation Online has a gorgeous new fly-through video out this morning. Clocking in at over five minutes long, the trailer is (almost) one long swoop through the biomes and past the structures of the world. Also?…
    Revelation Online clip demos control swapping - [AL:Rev]Upcoming MMORPG Revelation Online has a fresh video out this morning, this one on the game's three-tier control system. Be warned, though: It's possibly the shortest MMO video of all time. NetEase and My.com explain that…
    Revelation Online hits open beta today - [AL:Rev]Revelation Online is kind of a big deal if you're in its native China. It's a new MMORPG with flight, flying mounts, a beautiful graphical engine, and a variety of game systems meant to keep players…
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