A few years back, we started collecting our happiest stories under the “warm fuzzies” tag and our most unpleasant ones under “this is why we can’t have nice things.” The latter are the stories that we grumble about when they land in our inbox, glare at in our newsroom, and heave a heavy sigh over when we press publish because we just know our readers are going to be as ticked off about them as we are.
I can’t say 2022 was a great year for the MMO genre. Unionbusting, canceled and sunsetted games, and crypto scamming dominated the narrative. So here’s what we’re gonna do: We’ve stuck all these stories about the worst online gaming has to offer into one final post, the last of the year, and we’re tossing them on the bonfire to let them burn as we exit 2022 for good. Have a final look at the awful things that happened in our genre’s orbit this year – and then leave them in the past where they belong.

If this is all just too much for ya, come back tomorrow for our warm fuzzies roundup instead. Later, 2022.