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    WoW Legion launch roundup

    Perfect Ten: The single best expansion from 10 MMOs - Holy crud, do I not know that I'm setting myself up for some major pushback today. Oh, I feel that to my core, friends! After all, people have Opinions about MMO expansions, especially for franchises that…
    WoW Factor: This time will not be different - The other day, I got a nasty email from a World of Warcraft fan. This is not inherently unusual; it happens a couple of times a month, I'd say. And it was almost certainly the exact…
    Perfect Ten: We’ll always have Glorbo - Yes, folks, you've all heard the news by now about how Glorbo is finally being added into World of Warcraft. You may, of course, think that this is all just a prank to confuse AI tools…
    Not So Massively: Second impressions of Diablo IV - My initial impression of the Diablo IV open beta was lukewarm at best, but I did hold some hope that the second beta weekend might change things. This second beta opened up two more classes, the…
    Perfect Ten: MMO critters so cute it makes your teeth hurt - I vividly remember a conversation I had with my then-girlfriend's parents back in 1996 about the potential of this growing "internet" phenomenon. With my limited understanding, I made it sound downright noble, a Library of Congress…
    The Perfect Ten: 10 MMO NPCs as muffins - You’ve all seen those memes or Twitter threads that try to link celebrities or people to food items or other inanimate objects, but I’m not sure that there’s been anyone who has tried to link up…
    Craig Morrison announces his departure from Blizzard - It's time for the departure of yet another name you might recognize from Blizzard, but you might recognize him from other projects as well. Craig Morrison has announced via Twitter that he is no longer at…
    WoW Factor: How do we make a good Warcraft movie? - Sometimes, dear readers, things simply do not line up. I really have a long piece I'm looking forward to doing, and then Blizzard does something terrible (or wonderful, but terrible is more likely these days) and…
    WoW Factor: Behind blue (elf) eyes (in World of Warcraft) - Players were very excited when blue eye options were datamined out for Blood Elves in World of Warcraft: Shadowlands, then less happy when it was confirmed that those were NPC-only eyes and players wouldn't get them. Cue…
    Perfect Ten: Actually useful World of Warcraft toys - Pretty much since its inception, World of Warcraft has made a point to include just-for-fun items that were more about personal expression and enjoyment. Later called "toys," these objects helped out with roleplay sessions and keeping…
    Perfect Ten: When celebs crossed paths with MMOs - Even as the world continues to turn to and normalize gaming as a respectable hobby, there's still a lingering stigma of playing online titles as a supremely nerdy thing. Whenever I sense this, I take weird…
    Not So Massively: The Blizzard I loved is dead - This week's Not So Massively column was supposed to be a wishlist of things I want from an announcement of Diablo IV. When I pitched that article, I was so excited to delve into all the…
    Perfect Ten: MMOs for puzzle lovers - Ever find yourself complaining that all of the PvE content in your MMO is nothing but shooting something in the face or chopping down a tree (in its face)? That mindless combat can be relaxing and…
    Perfect Ten: The worst MMORPG expansions of all time - A great MMO expansion brings so much to the table: fresh excitement for a game, new classes, innovative features, expanded vistas, additional races, and more. Pull it off right, and studios rake in big bucks while…
    Perfect Ten: The biggest MMO surprises of 2018 - Everyone loves surprises, right? Not always. Even good surprises can be a disruption of our comfortable routines, and bad ones can downright ruin a day. Yet surprises keep life interesting -- and keep us tuning in…
    Perfect Ten: The biggest MMO news stories of 2018 - With the turn of every new year, I know we are entering unexplored territory in the field of MMO news. No matter what we may predict, it's inevitable that the bizarre left turns and out-of-nowhere stories…
    BlizzCon 2018: What the heck happened? - Every year, I cover BlizzCon for Massively Overpowered. This is not new information; you've all seen my liveblogs running every year for quite some time. And the reception of any given year as well as my…
    Perfect Ten: My favorite MMORPG names - Stuff in MMOs has names. That's... like, a defining feature. We all know that. These games have titles, and they have expansions, and they have races and classes and... you get the idea. Names. Some of…
    World of Warcraft Hunters launch #SaveHati campaign - With this week's World of Warcraft pre-expansion patch, Blizzard has made one group of players deeply unhappy by putting down their pet dog. Some -- but not all -- Beast Master Hunters are mourning the loss…
    The Game Archaeologist: Lineage - If we judged MMOs by their numbers alone -- and I'm not suggesting we do so -- then the original Lineage would be the crowing rooster strutting about the hen house. It's also been one of…
    WoW Factor: Examining the composition of the Horde - Last week, we looked at the composition of the Alliance in World of Warcraft. This week, we're looking at the Horde. Makes sense, doesn't it? If you missed the prior column, catch up and get back…
    WoW Factor: Examining the composition of the Alliance - Watching as speculation and mining swirls around the Mag'har as a future allied race, I can't help but start thinking about the bigger picture in World of Warcraft. Because soon we'll be able to make another…
    Winter Veil brings frosty fun to World of Warcraft - Abominable Greenches, kissing under the mistletoe, fruitcake, and snowball fights: Winter Veil must be here. World of Warcraft has been building up its holiday festival for years and years now, so there is more than enough…
    World of Warcraft previews the Burning Throne - Next week, players can start entering the raid that closes out the first storyline ever explored in the World of Warcraft universe. The raid on Antorus, the Burning Throne, is a strike against the heart of…
    How one YouTuber navigates World of Warcraft burnout - Feeling a little singed and toasty after playing World of Warcraft so long? When you log into Legion these days, is it a case of been-there-looted-that? Welcome to the realm of burnout, population you. Fortunately, you're…
    World of Warcraft rockets to Argus in patch 7.3 today - At last year's BlizzCon, when Blizzard first announced World of Warcraft fans would someday be trekking to Argus, it seemed so distant to many of us that the narrative that bubbled up was more about whether…
    LOTRO Legendarium: Mordor’s pre-order is flat-out ridiculous - [AL:LOTRO]Outrageous. Ridiculous. Exciting. Exploitative. Controversial. This past week's announcement of Lord of the Rings Online: Mordor's launch date and pre-order packages set ablaze discussions and arguments among the community, both in-game and without. World chat was…
    Get spoiled with a trip to World of Warcraft’s Argus - The excitement is real and the threat is strong: World of Warcraft players are spearheading a counter-invasion to the Legion world of Argus in Patch 7.3. The content update went onto the test servers earlier this…
    World of Warcraft starts testing Argus and Patch 7.3 - While the World of Warcraft raiding community soldiers on through the new Tomb of Sargeras and everyone else curses their luck at legendary item drops, Blizzard has activated Patch 7.3 on the test server. This is…
    Battle Bards Episode 100: Centennial spectacular! - After four years and over 700 MMORPG music tracks, the Battle Bards have arrived at their 100th show! For this centennial spectacular, Syl, Steff, and Syp reminisce about the most notable shows, their best soundtrack discoveries,…
    World of Warcraft pulls the trigger on class mounts - Ready, set, go get those class mounts, you World of Warcraft fanatics! The studio has unlocked the ability to get these highly desired class-specific mounts, and now there's nothing standing in your way to get one.…
    World of Warcraft eases up on flight requirements - Great news today for World of Warcraft players stressed out over the last batch of requirements to regain their pilot's license. Blizzard announced on the forums that it is making the achievement easier in order to…
    World of Warcraft makes regaining flight a bit easier - There's a spot of good news for World of Warcraft players looking to regain their pilot's license in Legion. Blizzard clarified a couple of points on the forums regarding Patch 7.2 that shows how this achievement is…
    WoW Factor: Where do we go after WoW Legion? - So at the risk of being dinged for spoiling the current World of Warcraft expansion, let me say this: Azeroth is not going to be destroyed or completely overtaken by the Burning Legion. That's a given.…
    WoW Factor: The state of professions in Legion - The state of World of Warcraft's professions in Legion is a weird one because it's obvious how much work has gone into crafting for the expansion. So much of it is nice and effective work; it's…
    World of Warcraft turns its attention to Patch 7.2 - Now that the excitement over the launch of Patch 7.1.5 and Nighthold has died down somewhat, World of Warcraft's team is gearing up for testing on the next big content update for the fantasy MMO. "We'll…
    WoW Factor: New classes in a post-Legion world - So World of Warcraft patch 7.1.5 is out now... but I'm going to be honest, that doesn't feel like much of anything. It's there, it's all playable, but it feels kind of... perfunctory? There's not a…
    World of Warcraft heralds the coming of Patch 7.1.5 - It looks likely that World of Warcraft's Patch 7.1.5 -- a surprisingly packed "in-between" update -- will be coming very soon now. It's always a good sign of an imminent update when the devs bring out…
    World of Warcraft previews the Nighthold raid - The elves of Suramar hold a font of great power, and under Grand Magistrix Elisande they have thrown their lot in with the Burning Legion. Anyone who has stepped into Suramar in World of Warcraft knows…
    The most popular MMORPG conversations of 2016 - Last week, we posted a rundown of the most popular MMORPG articles of 2016, calculated strictly by the number of pageviews they got. Today, we're going to take a look at the most popular articles of 2016 as…
    MMO Year in Review: New Eden free-for-all (November 2016) - This year, we’re taking a time-machine back through our MMO coverage, month by month, to hit the highlights and frame our journey before we head into 2017. Early in November, EVE Online's Ascension expansion ushered in a…
    The best Massively OP MMO polls of 2016 - Every week for the last few years, we've expanded on our "Daily Grind" theme with a Leaderboard poll. I've had a blast taking over Leaderboard; Daily Grinds always get lovely qualitative answers, but numbers! tallies! bar graphs!…
    Massively OP’s Best of 2016 Awards: MMORPG of the Year - Massively Overpowered's end-of-the-year 2016 awards continue today with our award for MMORPG the Year, which was awarded to Final Fantasy XIV last year. Recall that in 2014, we couldn't reach consensus on an MMO of the year. In fact,…
    MMO Year in Review: We are Legion (August 2016) - This year, we’re taking a time-machine back through our MMO coverage, month by month, to hit the highlights and frame our journey before we head into 2017. World of Warcraft ran away with the month of…
    Massively OP’s Best of 2016 Awards: MMORPG Studio of the Year - Massively Overpowered's end-of-the-year 2016 awards continue today with our award for Best MMORPG Studio of 2016, which was awarded to Square-Enix last year. We asked our writers to consider major MMORPG studios in 2016, not just their pet favorites,…
    Jukebox Heroes: The 2016 Online VGM Awards - With all of the award madness going on at Massively OP this month, it's the perfect time to unveil the 2016 Online VGM Awards! It's been a great year of soundtracks from our favorite MMOs, and…
    WoW Factor: 2016 in review for World of Warcraft - Talking about World of Warcraft in 2016 is really different because the game had two different years this year. And unfortunately for anyone trying to develop a comprehensive picture of the past year (yo), we're on…
    Massively OP’s Best of 2016 Awards: Most Improved MMORPG of 2016 - Massively Overpowered's end-of-the-year 2016 awards continue today with our award for Most Improved MMORPG of 2016, which was awarded to WildStar last year. All MMOs, regardless of release date, were eligible for this award, provided they made improvements this year. Don't…
    Battle Bards Episode 86: World of Warcraft: Legion - With all of the unbridled love for World of Warcraft’s soundtrack on Battle Bards, historically, you know that we couldn’t let a new expansion score go without commentary. In this show, the three co-hosts tackle the…
    World of Warcraft’s post-BlizzCon debrief - It's safe to say that Ion Hazzikostas has emerged as the face of World of Warcraft's development team, particularly following his rundown of all of the MMO's upcoming content at BlizzCon. Well, now Hazzikostas is back…
    WoW Factor: BlizzCon betting odds - My original plan this week was to talk a little bit about patch 7.1, but two things have made that less than possible. The first is that a rather nasty depression jag has kept me from…
    Blizzard isn’t announcing WoW legacy servers at BlizzCon - Blizzard's J. Allen Brack has a post on the official forums tonight that ought to temper expectations players might have about World of Warcraft vanilla servers and a possible BlizzCon announcement. "We’ve seen some talk among…
    Return to Karazhan in World of Warcraft on October 25 - Blizzard announced this afternoon that World of Warcraft's first major post-Legion patch, 7.1: Return to Karazhan, will launch on October 25th. During this afternoon's livestream, newly minted Game Director Ion Hazzikostas told players to expect the…
    Leaderboard: How many subs do you think WoW has right now? - This past week, Blizzard denied a quote from a Polish print magazine attributing a post-Legion 10.1 million subscription count for World of Warcraft to Tom Chilton. Blizzard did not outright deny the number, only rebutting the…
    WoW Factor: A WoW Legion wishlist - Legion is humming along nicely as we near the two-month mark. It's still got that decent balance of having enough to do that you're unlikely to get bored without so much to do that it's easy…
    Superdata: WoW now charges a full monthly sub in China - Superdata's digital games market report for August 2016 landed in our inbox today. Those of you who've been consistently frustrated and confused over the way Superdata bins games might be happy to know that the research…
    World of Warcraft welcomes Brewfest back to the game - The brewmasters of World of Warcraft's Brewfest have long kept up their silent vigil, but they return to the cities once more. Their mission: Deliver enough liquor to the residents of Azeroth so that everyone forgets…
    Happy World of Warcraft: Legion launch day and roundup - The time is here. After a few weeks of fighting against demonic invasions, World of Warcraft players can access the Broken Isles and start taking the fight back to their enemies in Legion. That means artifacts,…
    World of Warcraft shows off the World Quest system - When you reach level 110 in World of Warcraft: Legion, you've got a new sort of content awaiting you. They're not daily quests or weekly quests, they're not bonus objectives, they're not limited-time events, but they're…
    WoW Factor: The storm upon the Broken Shore - I sometimes get asked why I don't do more stuff within betas when I have access to them. To answer that, all I can really do is point to the experience of the Broken Shore scenario…
    World of Warcraft hotfixes loot and item issues - The Burning Legion is invading Azeroth, Demon Hunters are showing up, everything is chaos and nothing makes sense at all. A lot of that is intentional right now. Some of it is not, and thus World…
    You can play a Demon Hunter in World of Warcraft today - Demon Hunters go live in today's pre-Legion World of Warcraft patch, at least if you've already pre-ordered the expansion. The concomitant demon invasions begin today as well. Massively OP's Matt Daniel toured the Demon Hunter while…
    World of Warcraft trailer touts Legion features, locations - Blizzard has just posted up another World of Warcraft: Legion video, this one an "extended look" at the zones, dungeons, artifact system, combat animations, world quests, honor system, class halls, and champion followers on the way at…
    World of Warcraft unlocks Demon Hunters on August 9 - Demon Hunters, start your engines! Blizzard announced this afternoon that it will be unlocking the newest class on August 9th for players who have pre-purchased World of Warcraft: Legion. According to Blizzard Watch, the Burning Legion demonic…
    First impressions of World of Warcraft: Legion’s Demon Hunter - Nearly 10 years ago, the opening cinematic for World of Warcraft’s second expansion The Burning Crusade heralded the return of misguided anti-hero turned madman (madelf?) Illidan Stormrage, the first Demon Hunter, who taunted players with the…
    The Soapbox: Calling an MMO launch a launch - It's launch. Can we collectively accept that? Marketing, developers, and players alike? Launch is launch. When your game launches, it has launched. If I can reach another decade on this planet without ever hearing the term…
    WoW Factor: Titanforged items and content relevance - If you've missed discussion of it elsewhere (including on this here site, even), World of Warcraft is rolling out a new system for item upgrades in Legion. Item drops from any given source can "explode" upwards,…
    Leaderboard: Are you preparing for WoW Legion? - Legion is coming. Last week, Blizzard began pushing out the pre-patch for pre-launch events for World of Warcraft's Legion expansion. That means Demon Hunters are really truly right around the corner, followed by the in-game lore…
    World of Warcraft teases the Legion pre-patch - When will World of Warcraft players experience the Legion pre-patch? Despite the fact that the opening lines of the most recent development dispatch promise to share more about when to expect it, we still do not…
    Is World of Warcraft kicking off a pre-Legion event today? - Wake up, World of Warcraft players, because you may be pressed into service against the irksome demons today. Last night, Blizzard sent out a cryptic tweet with the title "Demon Bounties" that indicated something was happening today: "We're…
    WoW Factor: The hope I have for Legion - Every week, in Final Fantasy XI, the three main player nations are competing in a form of passive PvP known as conquest. The nation with the most influence in a given region (achieved primarily by killing…
    World of Warcraft begins Legion’s beta testing - Alpha? That's so early 2016, you guys. Starting today, World of Warcraft: Legion is all about its beta test, which will run until the expansion's launch at the end of August. The beta is purportedly a…
    April Fools’ Day around the MMOverse, 2016 edition - Happy April Fools' Day, and remember not to believe anything you read on the internet today! We're stepping outside of our own BuzzFeed-headline prank for a moment to deliver a quick look at some of the…
    Rumor: BlizzCon 2016 aims for November 4-5 - When is this year's BlizzCon? We don't know. It hasn't even been officially announced yet. But the eagle-eyed folks over at MMO Champion spotted a brief revision to the official BlizzCon page claiming that this year…
    WoW Factor: The importance of class fantasies - Here's a fun thought exercise for you all: explain the differences between Fire Mages and Destruction Warlocks in World of Warcraft. But before you do so, let's make things a little more interesting by saying that…
    World of Warcraft: Legion’s alpha will be back online today - Good news to those of you testing World of Warcraft's next expansion - the alpha for Legion will be coming back online today! No word on exactly when, but it's a known fact: https://twitter.com/Arvaanas/status/687337059573350400 You may…
    WoW Legion aims to flatten the PvP gear curve - Last night, Blizzard posted a dev blog to explain just how World of Warcraft Legion plans to drive a wrecking ball into the game's existing PvP paradigm. For starters, honor and conquest currencies are being replaced…
    Check out World of Warcraft’s upcoming class halls - One of the major new features of next year's World of Warcraft: Legion is the class hall system. As the name suggests, class halls offer thematic spaces tailored to specific professions. Players of either faction (but of…
    World of Warcraft celebrates 11 years of operation - Whether your opinions on World of Warcraft are positive or negative, you can't deny that reaching 11 years of operation is quite the accomplishment. The game is celebrating the achievement with presents for the players, as…
    WoW preps patch 6.2.3, teases Gnome Hunters - Ready to timewalk back to the days of World of Warcraft's third expansion? Or are you just looking forward to being able to use Valor points to upgrade your pants a few times? Both desires will…
    WoW Factor: In the wake of BlizzCon’s Legion content - Well, folks, we're officially living in a post-BlizzCon world. Until the next one. The point is, we're done with that convention, and all that's left is considering what is coming next for World of Warcraft and…
    World of Warcraft Mages won’t change radically in Legion - Blizzard has released a new dev blog previewing the changes in store for Mages in World of Warcraft's upcoming Legion expansion. Mages are "in a very strong place compared to most classes," Blizzard says, while noting that…
    BlizzCon 2015: World of Warcraft Q&A liveblog - It's the tail end of BlizzCon, and World of Warcraft players have Legion questions. Players probably had questions at the start of the convention, too, but now were' to the point that those questions can actually get answered. Yes,…
    BlizzCon 2015: World of Warcraft Legion systems panel liveblog - How is transmogrifying items going to change with World of Warcraft's Legion expansion? What are the restrictions on transmogrifying artifacts? How do the artifacts work? What changes are being brought to abilities in order to balance PvP with…
    World of Warcraft: Legion overview panel recap - There's an expansion in the works for World of Warcraft. That's not news. It's the details of that expansion that fans have been anxiously awaiting ever since the expansion was first announced in August. Now that…
    Rumor: WoW Legion due on or before September 21st, 2016 - BlizzCon is starting up later today, but a couple of leaks are already making the rounds. World of Warcraft players poking around the structure of the Battle.net site allegedly uncovered a background image revealing a launch…
    WoW Factor: A decade of Blizzard’s bad habits - The funny thing about World of Warcraft - and I should note here that I'm using "funny" in this case as a synonym for "odd" rather than "hilarious" - is that the game has been around…
    BlizzCon posts its two-day event schedule - BlizzCon 2015 is less than a month away, and fans of World of Warcraft, Diablo III, Hearthstone, StarCraft II, Overwatch, and Heroes of the Storm have much to look forward to when the convention opens. To…
    WoW Factor: Between now and Legion - I'm going to be very surprised if we see World of Warcraft: Legion before June 2016. The odds are good that a beta announcement is coming in November, and roughly seven months of beta seems fairly normal.…
    WoW Factor: Wild guessing about Demon Hunters - So what's the deal with World of Warcraft's Demon Hunter? We just don't know yet. But the space to speculate is pretty awesome. I mentioned in my last column that in some ways, Legion feels like…
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